If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are an excellent leader.

Investiture means a formal investing of a person with authority, power, right, office and dignity.
As it is rightly said that ‘leaders are not born, they are made .’Leaders are the role models who inspire the followers and motivate them to reach the target of success.

Investiture ceremony is one of the most important ceremony of the school. It is a platform to showcase the leadership skills and abilities of our students. It is a traditional feature of every school and eagerly awaited by all the students of the school . Years after years, it reminds us of the trust and confidence that we repose in our newly elected cabinet .They all pledge to dispense that duties to the best of their abilities and abide by rules and regulations of the school. School has been always inspired by the vision of its founder that every child that comes to this temple of learning must be a person filled with knowledge, discipline and respectfulness. Delegation of responsibility and giving authority to children is important as it teaches them life long skills.