Good touch vs bad touch. How to make your child understand the difference. For that a motivational session was conducted under Sparsh Foundation by doctor Reena Vyas ,Kripakshi Gaur, Nirmal Sharma and Jitendra Kumawat.

In today’s world , it is imperative that parents talk to their children about the differences between right and wrong , appropriate and inappropriate.
If you keep the channels of communication open , your child will know what to do even when a known person touches them , and how to be respond : he or she must report it to someone immediately .
Explain what constitutes ‘good touch’ and what ‘bad touch ‘is. You can explain” good touch” as a way for people to show they care for each other (i.e. hugging, holding hands, changing a baby’s diaper) “Bad touch”, on the other hand, is the kind you don’t like and want it to stop right away (e.g. hitting ,kicking, or touching private parts ).Tell your child that most touches are ok or acceptable, but that he or she must say “No” and immediately tell you about any touches that are confusing or that scare him or her.